Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of industrial engineering, college of basic science and engineering, Kosar univercity of Bojnord, Iran.;


Performance measurement is an annual process that evaluates employee performance and productivity against predetermined goals. Performance management is a determining factor in raising salaries and promoting employees. It can accurately examine the skills, strengths, and weaknesses of employees. So, it is very essential. In this paper, indicators are determined based on a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) to evaluate the performance of wood industry employees. For this purpose, 47 indicators are suggested and investigated by a questionnaire, of which 38 are confirmed using the nonparametric Wilcoxon’s signed-rank. The confirmed indicators are ranked using the TOPSIS and SAW methods. BCS has four dimensions, the dimension of growth and learning, the dimension of internal processes, the dimension of customer, and the dimension of finance. According to the results, the dimension of growth and learning is more important in the wood industry. Among the sub-indicators, the indicator of performing assigned tasks, the indicator of traffic and attendance, and the indicator of trust and responsibility are three critical indicators in the performance of wood industry employees.


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